We don't think of kids as the Church of tomorrow. They are the Church of today! We believe same Holy Spirit who dwells in an adult believer also dwells in every kid who puts his or her trust in Jesus. If they don't receive a junior version of the Holy Spirit, then they are not a junior version of the Church.
Kids Force is all about teaching kids the scriptures, giving opportunities to express faith in Jesus, learning to follow the way of Jesus in real life, and having blast.
Kids Force meets during our Sunday service in the kids dome. Our brilliant and loving kids' team makes sure your children are safe and engaged through age-appropriate lessons, supervised activities, and spiritual practices like prayer and worship.
When months have a fifth Sunday we call that family Sunday and the kids stay in the adult service with their family because we also believe in teaching families to worship and grow together.
Kids Force is all about teaching kids the scriptures, giving opportunities to express faith in Jesus, learning to follow the way of Jesus in real life, and having blast.
Kids Force meets during our Sunday service in the kids dome. Our brilliant and loving kids' team makes sure your children are safe and engaged through age-appropriate lessons, supervised activities, and spiritual practices like prayer and worship.
When months have a fifth Sunday we call that family Sunday and the kids stay in the adult service with their family because we also believe in teaching families to worship and grow together.

Sunday Mornings
10-11:30 am
Bring your kids into the main sanctuary with you and they will be released to Kids Force after worship.
We intend to resume our Wednesday kids ministry programs as soon as possible. Keep an eye on our social media for updates on that and other specific kids ministry events.
We intend to resume our Wednesday kids ministry programs as soon as possible. Keep an eye on our social media for updates on that and other specific kids ministry events.