Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
This command is for all who call Jesus Lord. We are called to our neighbors, family, and co-workers. While we may never have the opportunity to personally take the good news of Jesus to other countries, we believe in supporting and equipping those who are going.

Active Missionaries
Doug & Kristie Allee- Philippines
David & Roxana Alvarez-
Equatorial Guinea
Kevin & Wendy Beery- Belgium
Stuart & Wendy Brown- Compassion Link
Bill & Melissa Chappel- Hungary
Joey & Hannah Coons- Chi Alpha
Bryan & Laura Davis
David & Donna Delp- Africa
David & Amy Dingman
Gary & Lori Ellison- Vanuatu
Russ & Sarah Farhoud- Lesotho
Rich & Wanda Ferguson- Panama
Bev & Rick Freund- Chi Alpha
Jason & Megan Harshbarger- Chi Alpha
Joshua & Mandi Haviland- Prison Ministry
David & Roxana Alvarez- Philippines
Dave & Debbie Johnson- Eurasia
Mark & Patricia Kinney
Tanya Jo Knapp
Jeremy Lance
Kent Linneweh
Chris & Carol Martin
Richard &Gloria McCartney
Jason & Andrea Morrison
Jann & Eric Muzart
Sara Nelson
Sir James Offord
Harry & Beth Osland
Alley Pollard
Rebekah Polley
Scott & Erin Pongratz
Dan & Elisha Robertson
Marti & Brenda Roman
Bernie & Brenda Smith
Glen & Karen Smith
Sydney Strawn
Chris & Amy Stubbs
Randy & Becky Tarrs
Brent & Shelly Teague
Jim & Margaret Thacker
Troy & Teresa Trout- HostIN
Nathan & Lisa Turney
Brett & Susan
Bethany Weatherly
Greg & Lisa Webby
Nathan & Shauna Widden
StoreHouse Giving 2023
Every year The StoreHouse chooses projects that our congregation works together to support. StoreHouse giving allows everyone to be a part of bigger things that affect the Kingdom of God.
Camp Scholarships
help send kids/teens to Bible camp
help send kids/teens to Bible camp
Good News Boys Home
repairs and renovations at their residential site
repairs and renovations at their residential site
Chi Alpha Campus plant
plant a new chapter at a University
plant a new chapter at a University
Crisis Pregnancy Center
provide resources for new moms who want to keep their baby
provide resources for new moms who want to keep their baby
Belgium Bible College
build dorms for students studying to become pastors and missionaries
build dorms for students studying to become pastors and missionaries
Gospel Stories App Nepal
develop a new method of spreading the Gospel via an app
develop a new method of spreading the Gospel via an app