Luke 6:27-36

Jul 28, 2024    Guest Speaker

Jesus says, “I tell you..” he gives a command based on his authority. 

“Love your enemies” doesn’t mean don’t retaliate. It means do things toward them as if you had affection for them. 

God’s justice vs our justice- pray for your enemies- praying for their restoration not for punishment. 

Turn the other cheek and giving up your tunic as well forces the oppressor to recognize your humanity and rethink their aggression. It is peaceful, but not a doormat. 

Jesus followers should give out of a generous attitude as a discipline rather than an occasional impulse. 

Climax statement of sermon: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

Meekness does not mean fear, but that you respond to aggression and hate with kindness. 

Vs 27 and 35 repeat since they are the end caps of the sermon. 

Christian reward is understood as more of God himself. 

Sons of the Most High- look like God, easily identifiable as His kids. 

Spartans worship Apollo and are known for skill in battle. 

Athenians worship 


1. Make sure God truly is the King of your life. 

2. When confronted with aggression try to think of one thing you are thankful for. 

3. Be open to criticism from other no matter how it’s presented. 

4. Make the goal to reconcile and learn rather than win. 

5. You have no enemies. View people differently.