Luke 6:43-49

Aug 11, 2024    Dr Nick Pridemore

Big Idea: Saving faith looks like something and that something is entirely dictated by Jesus. 

Vs 43-45

Good tree/fruit: kalos- apparently good/functionally good. 

Goodness of his heart- agathos- intrinsically good/ good in nature. 

God calls us to be agathos not kalos. Be the kind of good that adds value to people’s day vs you were proficient in your role. 

The mark of being a disciple should not be defined by what we abstain from as much as what good we add to the world. 

Quick inventory:

You wanna know what is in your heart? What has been coming out of your mouth lately?

Vs 46-49

Lord-Kurios-this Greek word was a stand in for Divine God. It was used in Greek to replace YHWH. When the Caesars started owning divine identity they would demand homage and people had to offer a pinch of incense and say “Caesar Kurios.” 

A common rabbinic question was, “How can you read Torah and not obey?” Jesus claims deity even here by asking the question about his own words.