Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom

Jun 16, 2024    Dr Nick Pridemore

We are not the kind of creature that can look directly at the sun without something between us and it. We would either need the sun’s brilliance to be reduced or we would need to be transformed into a creature that can take in its brilliance without being hurt. 

Things were good in the garden because they got to experience God’s presence directly every day. We were created to be able to be in God’s unfiltered presence. Sin entered the world and we were changed into beings that could no longer be in God’s presence without being destroyed. In God’s goodness and mercy He veiled His presence from us so that we wouldn’t be harmed. Moses was covered by the Spirit of God so that Moses could be in God’s unrestrained presence. Even the residue of God’s glory on Moses was too much for the people. The prophets were described as “God’s Spirit was upon them.” Numbers 11:26-29 Moses says to Joshua not to be jealous about God’s presence. He wishes that everyone could experience God’s presence the same way. 

Less than 2% of prophecy was about future events and 99% of that has been fulfilled. Most prophetic utterance is a call back to holiness and loving God. 

Jesus comes along and the covenant he establishes says, “put your hope in me and I will transform you into beings who can experience God’s presence.”

2 Cor 3:12-18 The Lord is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. 

That freedom is the liberty from what held you back to be what you were created to be. It doesn’t mean no restraints or boundaries. It means being returned to our design. 

We were designed to experience God’s presence.