Luke 10:1-12
Every Marine a rifleman. Every disciple a disciple maker.
The mission of the church:
Vs 3 half of the translations say 72 and half say 70. We have thousands of manuscripts, immeasurably more than any other ancient document. The margin of error between them is .05% and are mostly spelling differences. This number is symbolic, but either way it is really meaningful and cool.
Numbers 11:16-24 Seventy were set aside and the spirit of God rested on them in the tent of meeting and two others in the camp.
Also, when a list of all nations were listed there were 70 and when translated to Greek there were 72.
These numbers together represent all nations.
This is not the twelve disciples and then 60 others. It is 72 others. This task of going into the harvest isn’t limited to the professionals.
It is not our job to convert people. It is our job to proclaim the Good News and the Holy Spirit’s job to make the change.
Vs 4-12 what is particular to this situation vs timeless?
Urgency jumps out of this passage.
Not greeting someone would have been rude and against the grain of the culture. Telling them to eat what is put in front of them hints at getting rid of ceremonial food regulations. Don’t focus on food regulations. Focus on sharing the Gospel.
The message isn’t “go to heaven when you die” it is “the Kingdom of God is here.”
Sodom became synonymous with sinfulness. Jesus is referencing Sodom because of their rejection of God’s messengers.
The mission is still urgent and for us today!
The fact that the NT focuses more prayer on boldness of the believer to share than for unsaved to become saved indicates that believers may be more reluctant to share than sinners are willing to accept.